Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall update

Time goes by so fast!  We had a wonderful rest of the summer, and crazy fall sports.  The boys are very busy, as am I!  We had our first fundraiser, as yard sale, at the end of August that net about $2600!!  It was a crazy day.  People were so supportive, with donations, baked goods.  I love people, so to chat with people I don't know and find out about them is just cool.  Unfortunately, I had my first negative reactions as well.  "Why don't you adopt from THIS country, we have so many needy kids here", or "don't you want a white baby to match your boys", or my favorite, "we'll china owns the USA now so why not".   Grrrr.  I am happy to explain to people why we chose this route.  I should just have made up a pamphlet with "Commonly Asked Questions".   My sister, who has a daughter from Guatemala, warned me.  "Not everyone will support you or gets this is a great thing!" I already sense that my inner circle again is changing.  Why does it matter how I become a mother?  Sure, we could have more bio kids, but I feel very strongly about giving the gift of a family to an orphan.

So enough on that!  So Parker (13) was really busy running XC, until he in injured his calf at a Boy Scout camp out.  So he sat on the sidelines.  He was really disappointed.  Cian (11) and Sam (9) both play football.  Cian plays nose guard typically and Sam defensive end.  So fun to watch them play!!  All three boys are Boy Scouts.  Sam is a Beat this year and really excited to move on to Weblows, mainly because at camp he can do better activities!!   Cian is new to Boy Scouts this year and earned 2 merit badges this summer, as did Parker, who is almost tenderfoot.  We were fortunate to be able to attend Camp Carpenter, a Boy Scout camp about an hour a way from us.  I was hired as a camp nurse for a few weeks.  It was really fun.  Aside from having the life completely sucked out of me by 250 boys. We had fun!!

My goal is to fundraise enough in the next few weeks to complete our home study.  I have to say I've been very nervous about the financial commitment.  All those things run into my head......what if we
run out of money?  What if it takes longer than anticipated.   What if we get out hearts broken.  So
many what's ifs.  I know that God has a plan, and everything works out for a reason.  I have always told my kids this.  My grandmother taught me this ( and actually Sam reminded me of this the other day, I guess he does listen).   We are having a second, smaller yard sale Sunday, which my goal is about $1000, and also launching a raffle with 3 big prizes, that my goal is $10k.  Then we have some other things planned for after the first of the year, like a wine raffle and a gold party.  Also several
people have offered to help like a friend who sells tastefully simple and green coffee.  We are so blessed.  You defiantly learn who your real support people are through this process.

People have asked if we have an actual referral.   We don't yet.  But we have found a baby on a website for a foster home for medically fragile orphans, that we would like to adopt.  She has some correctable needs (mostly heart).  She was born March 23, 2012, which is also my husbands birthday.  I have pictures of her on my iPad and every time I turn it on, I see her smiling face.  I have to be careful though, it's kind of like loving dangerously.    It's falling in love with someone you may never get the chance to meet.  But when I look at her little face, I am pushed to love her, and fight to have
her as part of our family.  You're so vulnerable through this process.  It's raw, and beautiful.   And

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